Centre for Agro Ecology and Development Vacancy for Freelance Researcher

Freelance Work Opportunity- Freelance Researcher

Background: Centre for Agro-Ecology and Development (CAED) works on social justice, agroecology and livelihood related issues of dalit communities in Dolpa district with the support of Fastenaktion. It is seeking a passionate and competent researcher interested in carrying out study about the resource persons and institutions/organizations and their works on psychosomatic issues of dalits in Nepal, India and/or overseas countries. It is reported that psychosomatic sufferings of dalit communities due to structural caste-based oppression for generations have permeated their inner psyche resulting in mental anguish and emotional terror as well as other associated physical disorders such as hypertension, gastritis, ulcer, cancer, diabetes, asthma and epilepsy.

The study will cover individual persons and/or organizations/institutions both from academic and non-academic fields who worked in the past or are working currently on the psychosomatic issues of dalit communities. The researcher can follow qualitative/quantitative methodological approach such as web browsing and desk studies of primary and secondary sources of data/facts/information, case studies, consultation with relevant persons and stakeholders, in-site visit and interaction, specific types of in-person or online interviews. The researcher should adhere the principles of neutrality and evidence-based so that the statements, perceptions and opinions presented in the final report are based on concrete facts, experiences and evidences without any bias or prejudice.

Qualification of Researcher: The researcher should be passionate and competent having necessary qualifications in terms of contextual knowledge, language and communication skills, technical/methodological knowledge and skills and analytical abilities.

Study Methods and Process: The researcher is requested to submit a concept note containing his/her concept of carrying out the study and producing the following deliverables. The overall study process is expected to be realized in approximately 8 working days. The researcher is requested also to propose the costs of carrying out the study.

Deliverables: Following are the expected deliverables:

  • Plan of activities

  • Draft and final report in English or Nepali (max 25 pages) containing, at least, the following parts:

    • Executive summary

    • Methodology and Limitations

    • List of resource persons, experts, consultants and organizations/institutions with their contact details from both academic and non-academic fields who worked in the past or are working currently on the psychosomatic issues of dalits in Nepal, India and/or overseas countries.

    • Short description of programs/activities/actions undertaken by each of the persons and/or organizations listed above on psychosomatic issues of dalits

    • Recommendation of most potential resource persons/experts/consultants or organizations accessible in-person and/or virtually and interested for sharing their knowledge and skills with others on the psychosomatic issues of dalits

Applying Procedure: Please submit your application along with your concept note on carrying out the above study on resource persons/organizations and their works on psychosomatic issues of dalits, updated CV, passport size scanned photo and contact address with two references by 31 August 2024 via email:  <caedvacancy@gmail.com>. Competent candidates from socially excluded groups such as woman, dalit and janajati will be given preference.  Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview and further discussions in the selection process. Upon selection, the researcher will work closely with CAED to finalize the study plan, processes and tools.

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